You Are Enough
You Are Enough
Endometriosis is a chronic illness, which means that it is with us for life. Some parts of our journey are easier to manage than others, both physically and emotionally. It is not a journey to be done alone. Building your emotional and social support system - creating a community that can lift you, love you, and embrace you as you are- is a large part of being able to live a life well-lived with this illness.
You are not alone.
We see you.
We believe you.
Please take your time through these lessons as they deal with your heart, well-being, and how to get support when you need it most. Much love to you, dear warrior, as we know this path well. We know you may be tired, you may feel isolated, you might be overwhelmed.
Just know that you are enough as you are. That is not something this disease can ever take away.